I'm Kristen.
I've been a Primary School teacher for 29 years and while I have loved working with children supporting them to believe in themselves and reach their goals, there has been a deep inner knowing there was something else in store for me.
Frustrated by the overcrowded curriculum, and the mounting pressure placed on teachers, students, and families, I began to feel a disconnect and overwhelm very early on in my career. But with not a clue in the world what else I would do, or the resilience to step outside of my comfort zone, I remained on cruise control and continued to ‘plod along.’
I struggled with severe limiting beliefs, unbearable self-sabotage, and after years of struggling with my weight I reached a point where I was seriously overweight and unhealthy. I experienced adrenal fatigue as result of holding onto stuck energy and unhealthy coping strategies for years.
I accepted the daily symptoms and believing in part that I deserved them as a way to punish myself, I learned to live with the uncomfortable side effects. Extreme fatigue, insomnia, gut and weight issues, unbearable brain fog, an inability to cope with stress, and debilitating low self-worth were part of my day to day. I was unhappy and wanted to hide!
This affected every area of my life and every relationship. I was not living my, and oh boy, I was not a joy to be around! I sat in the victim space and was desperate not to be noticed, yet, desperately wanted someone to notice me. I had no self-confidence and genuinely thought I was going to get it from the validation and approval of others. That never came!
After this experience, I needed to know as much as I could and went on to study and become an EFT and NLP (Neuro-Linguistics Programming) Practitioner. I finally stuck one toe out of the cruise control lane and tentatively began an EFT business whilst continuing to teach full-time.
I knew how effective EFT was, I knew I could help people make positive changes to their lives, but that feeling in the pit of my stomach kept telling me there was more to learn. Then one day I saw a notice for Effortless Meditation. The word EFFORTLESS caught my attention and from the first effortless meditation experience, I knew I had found something pretty special.
After years of struggling with meditation, I was thrilled and relieved to learn that meditation didn't have to be prescriptive, difficult, or follow a stringent set of guidelines. It was exactly as the name suggested…effortless.
I've been able to look at my life objectively through an observers lens, make decisions from a more measured place, and have sense of deep well-being and positivity. The ripple effects of this into every area of my life are truly amazing. Physically and my overall health is in good shape, I've finally moved past the weight issues that plagued me my entire life. My adrenals are calm, and my anxiety levels are not showing up as physical signs within my body. This is a result of meditating 1-2 times a day, and I know it will only get better from here.
Very professional and positive!"