Holistic Therapies

The two primary holistic therapies I use in my work with clients are EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Mindset and Effortless Meditation. Each practice has been clinically proven to reduce stress and support emotional regulation and transformation.

Why should you work with me?

I offer a blend of alternate holistic therapies and inner growth coaching to assist your healing journey and personal well-being and development. Throughout, I guide you towards a life free from past conditioning, pain, and trauma, allowing you to live with purpose and alignment, experiencing daily joy and inner confidence. Click here to learn more.

About EFT

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or Tapping is a stress reduction technique combining cognitive and body-based (somatic) methods to reduce stress.

It has been around for more than 40 years and researched for more than 20 years with 250+ published journal articles highlighting its effect on a range of biochemistry in the body such as blood pressure, brain activity, cortisol and DNA expression.

Tapping makes full use of the mind-body connection, acknowledging and integrating the concepts that physical pain, disease, and mental well-being are intricately connected to our emotional states.

Tapping revolves around the functions of the amygdala: the part of your brain responsible for the negative emotions you feel when stressed.

When there is a stress response, the amygdala triggers the body to release cortisol; the stress hormone.

Why use EFT?

Tapping is effective in helping people face a range of negative, stress-related issues, including: anxiety, pain management and addictive behaviours.

It is also effective in building resilience and reprogramming limiting beliefs, removing self-doubt and inferiority complex issues, living from a place of empowerment and positivity to enable you to achieve your goals and live a life you choose.

About Effortless Meditation

Scientific studies of effortless forms of meditation consistently show remarkably positive mental and physical outcomes in both short-term and long-term meditators.

Effortless Meditation is extremely quick and easy to learn and practice. It is pleasant to do which encourages people to look forward to practicing it and likely to do it more often. The benefits can be noticed very soon after establishing a regular practice.

The experiences that occur in our physical body - our breath slowing down and becoming very soft and quiet, and sometimes being almost suspended.

Our bodies become very deeply relaxed; more relaxed than in any other form of rest.

Mentally and emotionally - feelings of increasing peacefulness likened to floating or dreaming, our mind gradually settles down, and you may experience “transcending”, where briefly all thoughts disappear and yet you remain conscious.

Why use Effortless Meditation?

Effortless Meditation supports us to ‘wake up’ to a higher, more expanded level of awareness, critical for our personal growth and development. It allows us to grow into our full potential, to become our true ‘unbounded self.’ The four fundamental effects of meditating on your personal development are waking up, clearing up, growing up, and showing up.

As we transition through the process of ‘waking up’, ‘clearing up’, and ‘growing up’, increasingly far more of our inherent potential is available to us in anything that we are doing in our daily life.

We are more in touch with a deep sense of our ‘existential purpose’, the purpose that underlies all that’s truly important to us, giving our lives an increasingly deeper sense of meaning.

Through daily meditation, as wake up, clear up and grow up, far more of us will be available to ‘show up’ in all that we do in our daily life.

Both during meditation and then gradually and increasingly in our daily life, we are more settled into that peaceful “State of Being”. This means that even when we run into what appears to be externally stressful situations, we have an underlying sense of peace and wellbeing.

How Meditation, Mindset, EFT and Inner Growth Coaching can help you

There are many scientifically and medically backed physical, neurological and biochemical benefits of meditation:

  • Profound relaxation

  • Brain integration and peak performance – as a result of the strong connections between many different parts of the brain

  • A reduction in the stress hormone

  • Produces the happy hormones that promote health and well-being

  • An improvement in overall mental and physical health

  • Anti-aging effects at the DNA level

  • Lower levels of inflammation

  • Overcoming insomnia and improved sleep

  • Clearer thinking, creativity and problem solving

  • Stress-reducing

  • Significant reduction in PTSD symptoms including anxiety, depression, insomnia

  • High energy levels, feeling relaxed but alert

  • An increase in self-awareness and ability to create distance between self and your emotional reactions

  • A higher level of social-emotional intelligence, allowing us to form and maintain deeply fulfilling and productive interpersonal relationships

  • Decreased limiting patterns of thinking, habitual emotional reactions and patterns of behaviour that don’t work well for us.

  • A clearer and more efficient perception of reality

  • A strengthened sense of self-acceptance, including understanding of your identity, autonomy, and uniqueness

  • Increased objectivity and an ability to see and understand another person's perspective

Kind words

"Very professional, knowledgeable and connected the content to the Stage/ year level and how this program can be easily and effectively implemented daily."


I couldn’t believe it was your first time delivering this to teachers. You are an amazing teacher."

"Fantastic delivery. Very engaging and personal."

"Really well lead with simple instructions and confidence.

Very professional and positive!"

"A well organised and beautifully presented session."


Brilliant delivery; thank you!"

Get Your Free Guided Meditation


Immerse yourself on a tranquil beach lovingly guided through

a journey of the senses to bring yourself a moment of

release and relaxation.

A comfort zone is a lovely place,

but nothing ever grows there.