Work with me

1:1 Coaching

Supportive, custom created sessions where I walk with you on your healing journey.

Guided Audio Immersions

Play on demand resources you can include as a part of your ongoing self-care practice.

Live Classes

Upcoming live events,

to kickstart your momentum.

About Holisitic Therapy

I support people through the transformative potential of Effortless Meditation, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Powerful tools that have guided many toward newfound clarity and purpose.

Through gentle tapping and introspective practices, people often experience a release from feelings of being stuck, with a rekindled sense of purpose, and a revitalised drive.

About Kristen

On the outside, everything looked like I should have been waking up each morning feeling energised, happy and ready to begin a new day, grateful.

So why was I feeling like I'd been dragged backward through the night with the prospect of facing another day making me want to hide?

I blamed everything and everyone around me. My brain worked overtime to make sense of physical symptoms I felt were beyond my control, the rumination, the endless cycle of self-loathing.

I saw specialists and integrative practitioners and while I began to improve, it wasn't until I discovered EFT tapping, Effortless Meditation and Inner Growth Work to address the stress within my body and the reasons why it was there, that I began to get my life on track.

"If it’s out of your hands, out of your control,

then it deserves to be out of your mind too"

Kind words

"Really well lead"

"With simple instructions and confidence.
Very professional and positive!"

"Very professional"

"Knowledgeable and connected the content to the Stage/ year level and how this program can be easily and effectively implemented daily."


"I couldn’t believe it was your first time delivering this to teachers. You are an amazing teacher."

A comfort zone is a lovely place,

but nothing ever grows there.